Visualization of local RNA-RNA interactions


This program require python modules: xplib, matplotlib, numpy, bx-python

Run the program to generate visualization

The script “” will be used for this purpose,

usage: [-h] [-n N] [-s START [START ...]] [-d DISTANCE]
                           [-g GENEBED] [-w PHYLOP_WIG] [-p PAIR_DIST] [-S]
                           [-o OUTPUT]
                           interaction linkedPair

plot linked pairs around a given interaction. information of linked pairs are
stored in file '*_fragment_paired_align.txt'

positional arguments:
  interaction           Interaction file from output of
  linkedPair            file for information of linked pairs, which is output
                        of ''

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n N                  Choose region to plot, it can be a number (around n-th
                        interaction in the interaction file). This is mutually
                        exclusive with '-r' option
  -r R [R ...]          Choose region to plot, give two interaction regions
                        with format 'chr:start-end', this is mutually
                        exclusive with '-n' option
  -s START [START ...], --start START [START ...]
                        start column number of the second region in
                        interaction file and linkedPair file, default=(7,11)
  -d DISTANCE, --distance DISTANCE
                        the plus-minus distance (unit: kbp) flanking the
                        interaction regions to be plotted, default=10
  -g GENEBED, --genebed GENEBED
                        the genebed file from Ensembl, default:
  -w PHYLOP_WIG, --phyloP_wig PHYLOP_WIG
                        the bigWig file for phyloP scores,defualt:
  -p PAIR_DIST, --pair_dist PAIR_DIST
                        two interacted parts within this distance are
                        considered as self-ligated and they are marked or
                        eliminated (see option -s for slim mode), default:
  -S, --Slim            set slim mode to eliminate self ligated interactions
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output plot file, can be format of emf, eps, pdf, png,
                        ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz


linkedPair file is the output *_fragment_paired_align.txt from of the pipeline; Interaction txt file is the output of This program only works for regions with genomic locations. It doesn’t work for miRNAs mapped to the miRbase reference.

Example of result graph

Example code:

        ACCT_interaction_clusters_rmrRNA.txt \
        ACCT_fragment_paired_align_rmRNA_sort.txt.gz \
        -n 2412 \
        -d 5 \
        -o local_interaction.pdf

Result figure:



  • The blue blocks are clusters generated in R1 . And the red blocks are clusters generated in R2 .
  • the semi-transparent polygons connecting clusters in R1 and R2 pools indicate different strong interactions between clusters.
  • The lines connecting to regions are evidence of linkedPairs, where green lines are the ones with distance between two ends less than what specified in option '-p'. This implies self ligation. All others are colored black

Visualization of intra-RNA interactions by heatmap


This program require python modules: xplib, matplotlib, numpy

Run the program to generate heatmap for interactions within RNA molecule

This program could generate an heatmap to show interactions between different regions within an RNA molecule which are spatially proximate to each other. We use the script “”

usage: [-h] [-n NAME] [-r R]
                                   [-s START [START ...]] [-g GENEBED]
                                   [-p PAIR_DIST] [-S] [-t STEP] [-I]
                                   [-o OUTPUT]
                                   interaction linkedPair

plot interactions using a heatmap. information of linked pairs are stored in
file '*_fragment_paired_align.txt'

positional arguments:
  interaction           Interaction file from output of
  linkedPair            file for information of linked pairs, which is output
                        of ''

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --name NAME  give a gene name and plot the interaction heatmap new
                        the gene region, exclusive with '-r' option
  -r R                  Choose region to plot, give region with format 'chr
                        :start-end', exclusive with '-n' option
  -s START [START ...], --start START [START ...]
                        start column number of the second region in
                        interaction file and linkedPair file, default=(7,11)
  -g GENEBED, --genebed GENEBED
                        the genebed file from Ensembl, default:
  -p PAIR_DIST, --pair_dist PAIR_DIST
                        two interacted parts within this distance are
                        considered as self-ligated and they are marked or
                        eliminated (see option -s for slim mode), default:
  -S, --Slim            set slim mode to eliminate self ligated interactions
  -t STEP, --step STEP  step or resolution or unit size of the heatmap,
  -I, --SI              Specify to add strong interaction in the
                        figure,default: False
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output plot file, can be format of emf, eps, pdf, png,
                        ps, raw, rgba, svg, svgz

Require: xplib, matplotlib, numpy


linkedPair file is the output *_fragment_paired_align.txt from of the pipeline; Interaction txt file is the output of Users can use two different ways to give the region to be plotted. One is directly use the ‘-r’ option to specify the region, another is to give a gene name and the script can find a larger region covering the gene region. Currently this program only works for RNAs with genomic locations. It doesn’t work for miRNAs mapped to the miRbase reference.

Example of result graph

Example code:

        ACCT_GGCG_interaction_clusters.txt \
        ACCT_GGCG_fragment_paired_align_rmRNA_sort.txt.gz \
        -r chr9:120038418-120038722 \
        -t 5 \
        -s 7 11 \
        -g ../Data/Ensembl_mm9.genebed.gz \
        -o Snora73_intra_interaction.pdf

Result figure:



The heatmap is basd on the log(count+1) of mapped linkage pairs across two windows with size [step]bp

Visualization of global RNA-RNA interactome


This program is powered by RCircos.

Required R packages (our program will check for the presence of these packages and install/load them automatically if not present):

  • argparse, RCircos, biovizBase, rtracklayer

The program also require a python script “” (already in /bin/ folder) to call coverage from BAM2X

Run the program to generate visualization

We will use the script “Plot_Circos.R” for this purpose.

usage: Plot_Circos.R [-h] [-g GENOME] [-b BIN] [-o OUTPUT]
                   interaction part1 part2

positional arguments:
  interaction           the interaction file,[required]
  part1                 aligned BAM file for part1,[required]
  part2                 aligned BAM file for part2,[required]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome information, choice: mm9/mm10/hg19,
                        [default: mm9]
  -b BIN, --bin BIN     window size for the bins for coverage calling, [default: 100000.0]
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output pdf file name, [default: Interactome_view.pdf]


part1, part2 BAM files are the ones generated from of the pipeline. Currently the program only works with BAM files from genome mapping(with Bowtie2 or Tophat). Interaction txt file is the output of

Example of result graph

Example code:

Rscript Plot_Circos.R GGCG_interaction_clusters.txt
  sort_Paired1_fragment_GGCG.bam sort_Paired2_fragment_GGCG.bam
  -b 100000 -o Interactome_GGCG.pdf

Result figure:



  • The purple track right inside chromatin cytoband ideogram is the coverage of part1 (the first genomic regions connected with linker sequences) of this sample.
  • The light blue track next is the coverage of part2 (the other genomic regions connected with linkers).
  • The inner links are the strong interactions after removing rRNA. colors represent different types of interactions and the transparency represents the confidence of the interaction (the ones with lower p-values are stronger)